10.1. SCALE Cross Section Libraries
J. M. Brown, A. Holcomb, D. Wiarda, C. Celik, K. S. Kim, M. L. Williams, M. E. Dunn, B. T. Rearden
The cross section data libraries available in the SCALE code system are briefly described in this section. All libraries were processed from ENDF/B-VII.1 and -VIII.0 evaluated data files using the AMPX code system. Continuous-energy libraries as well as several multigroup libraries for a variety of applications are included in SCALE. Several fine-group and broad-group structures are available so that a user may select the nuclear data library based on considerations of application, accuracy, and execution time.
We would like to acknowledge all those who participated in developing and implementing the SCALE cross section libraries for their assistance in preparing previous versions of this document. Special thanks go to S. Goluoglu, N. M. Greene, and L. M. Petrie for their contributions to SCALE data processing efforts, and to C. R. Daily and W. J. Marshall for their extensive validation testing of the libraries described here.
10.1.1. Introduction
SCALE includes both multigroup (MG) and pointwise continuous energy (CE) nuclear data libraries, which were processed using the AMPX code system [XSLibWWCD15b]. Libraries are available for neutron and for coupled neutron-photon transport calculations. The CE libraries are used for Monte Carlo calculations with CE-KENO (criticality) and CE-Monaco (shielding), and are also used by the pointwise (PW) discrete ordinates code CENTRM to obtain PW flux spectra for computing self-shielded MG cross sections. The MG libraries are used in the MG-KENO and MG-Monaco Monte Carlo codes, and in the deterministic transport codes XSDRNPM, NEWT, and DENOVO. All cross section libraries in SCALE 6.3 and later versions are based strictly on ENDF/B-VII.1 [XSLibCHO+11] and ENDF/B-VIII.0 [XSLibDAB18], while earlier SCALE releases included libraries processed from ENDF/B-VI.8, V, and IV. The ENDF/B-VII.1 CE and MG libraries include 423 nuclides shown in Table 10.1.1, and the ENDF/B-VIII.0 CE and MG libraries contain data for 556 nuclides (Note that while ENDF/B-VIII.0 contains data for neutron-as-a-target, this data is not useful for SCALE calculations and is thus the processed data is not released with SCALE.). ENDF/B-VII.1 does not have evaluated data for several isotopes in the SCALE Standard Composition Data, which are listed in Table 10.1.2. If one of these isotopes is explicitly requested or if the natural element containing the isotope is requested in the SCALE input, a warning message is written saying that the nuclide is being omitted from the calculations. The most commonly encountered example of this is O-18 which has an abundance of approximately 0.2% in elemental oxygen (Note that O-18 data are available in ENDF/B-VIII.0, but not ENDF/B-VII.1.).
The ENDF/B-VII.1 libraries include 21 thermal-scattering moderators for which bound-scattering kernels [e.g., S(\(\alpha\),\(\beta\))] are provided as given in Table 10.1.4. This table also lists the temperatures available in MG and CE libraries for the materials with bound kernels. The ENDF/B-VIII.0 libraries include 34 thermal-scattering moderators for which bound-scattering kernels are provided; of particular interest are updated thermal scatter laws for HinH2O and multiple graphite compositions, these are given in Table 10.1.3. The thermal scattering kernels for all other materials are based on the free-gas kernel. On the MG libraries, these nuclides have 2D scattering matrices processed from the free-gas kernel evaluated at the temperatures of 293 K, 565 K, 600 K, 900 K, 1200 K, 2000 K, and 2400 K. SCALE 6.3 includes routines that automatically interpolate the CE cross section data, as well as thermal scattering kernels to any arbitrary temperature for Monte Carlo calculations [XSLibHCML16]. Analogous procedures are available for MG data. The CE libraries do not include free gas kernel data because the transport codes internally evaluate the free gas scattering information at the specified temperature.
For each reaction and nuclide, CE data were processed from ENDF/B in the manner described in Sect. The CE data were further processed into several generic MG libraries focused on different applications. CE data are stored as individual files for each nuclide, and an associated cross section directory file contains the names of the individual files. Furthermore, the MG libraries each contain data for all nuclides. AMPX master libraries are very general and contain essentially all reaction data available in ENDF/B, as well as several specialized cross sections used in SCALE. The master libraries also include Bondarenko shielding factors tabulated as a function of background cross section and temperature for all nuclides and groups, and the master libraries may contain intermediate resonance parameters for self-shielding. A much improved methodology in AMPX was used to process more accurate shielding factors for the most important resonance absorbers.1
The CE and MG libraries available in SCALE 6.3 are given in Table 10.1.5, which also lists the main source of data for each library. The desired MG or CE library for a computation is typically selected by specifying the appropriate mnemonic name from Table 10.1.5. The CE library mnemonic corresponds to the actual name of the cross section directory file, and the MG mnemonic is an alias for the file containing the actual master library, shown in the third column of Table 10.1.5. SCALE control modules recognize the mnemonics in the first column, or the standard MG library name in the third columns of the table. Users also may supply their own MG library by specifying the file name as the library name in the control module input (only lower case alphanumeric characters are allowed in the filename, and the filename must be eight characters or less in length). The library must be an AMPX master library and must be located in the SCALE data directory or the temporary working directory where the problem is run.
The CE data libraries do not require additional processing prior to their use in transport computations. However, the MG libraries distributed with the SCALE code system contain problem-independent cross sections processed with generic weighting functions appropriate for a specified type of application (e.g., criticality safety, shielding, etc.). These data must be further processed into problem-dependent libraries by performing resonance self-shielding and other modifications. This is done by the XSProc module during the execution of a SCALE control sequence prior to executing a transport solver.
For data in Table 10.1.1, note that: (a) Yield data are only available in coupled MG libraries and in the CE libraries, (b) narrow and/or intermediate resonance factors are only available for MG libraries, and (c) incident gamma cross sections are only available for coupled MG libraries (a separate incident gamma CE library is available).
Name |
Gamma Prod. |
Bond. Factors |
Photo-atomic Eval. |
ENDF/B Lib. |
8001001 |
hfreegas |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
8001002 |
dfreegas |
no |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
1003 |
h3 |
no |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
2003 |
he3 |
no |
yes |
he |
e80, e71 |
2004 |
he4 |
no |
yes |
he |
e80, e71 |
3006 |
li6 |
no |
yes |
li |
e80, e71 |
3007 |
li7 |
no |
yes |
li |
e80, e71 |
4007 |
be7 |
no |
yes |
be |
e80, e71 |
4009 |
be9 |
yes |
yes |
be |
e80, e71 |
5010 |
b10 |
yes |
yes |
b |
e80, e71 |
5011 |
b11 |
yes |
yes |
b |
e80, e71 |
6012 |
c12 |
yes |
yes |
c |
e80 |
6013 |
c13 |
no |
yes |
c |
e80 |
7014 |
n14 |
yes |
yes |
n |
e80, e71 |
7015 |
n15 |
no |
yes |
n |
e80, e71 |
8016 |
o16 |
yes |
yes |
o |
e80, e71 |
8017 |
o17 |
no |
yes |
o |
e80, e71 |
8018 |
o18 |
no |
yes |
o |
e80 |
9019 |
f19 |
yes |
yes |
f |
e80, e71 |
10020 |
ne20 |
yes |
yes |
ne |
e80 |
10021 |
ne21 |
yes |
yes |
ne |
e80 |
10022 |
ne22 |
yes |
yes |
ne |
e80 |
11022 |
na22 |
no |
yes |
na |
e80, e71 |
11023 |
na23 |
no |
yes |
na |
e80, e71 |
12024 |
mg24 |
no |
yes |
mg |
e80, e71 |
12025 |
mg25 |
no |
yes |
mg |
e80, e71 |
12026 |
mg26 |
no |
yes |
mg |
e80, e71 |
1013026 |
al26m1 |
yes |
yes |
al |
e80 |
13027 |
al27 |
yes |
yes |
al |
e80, e71 |
14028 |
si28 |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80, e71 |
14029 |
si29 |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80, e71 |
14030 |
si30 |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80, e71 |
14031 |
si31 |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
14032 |
si32 |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
15031 |
p31 |
yes |
yes |
p |
e80, e71 |
16032 |
s32 |
no |
yes |
s |
e80, e71 |
16033 |
s33 |
no |
yes |
s |
e80, e71 |
16034 |
s34 |
no |
yes |
s |
e80, e71 |
16035 |
s35 |
yes |
yes |
s |
e80 |
16036 |
s36 |
no |
yes |
s |
e80, e71 |
17035 |
cl35 |
yes |
yes |
cl |
e80, e71 |
17036 |
cl36 |
yes |
yes |
cl |
e80 |
17037 |
cl37 |
yes |
yes |
cl |
e80, e71 |
18036 |
ar36 |
no |
yes |
ar |
e80, e71 |
18037 |
ar37 |
yes |
yes |
ar |
e80 |
18038 |
ar38 |
no |
yes |
ar |
e80, e71 |
18039 |
ar39 |
yes |
yes |
ar |
e80 |
18040 |
ar40 |
yes |
yes |
ar |
e80, e71 |
18041 |
ar41 |
yes |
yes |
ar |
e80 |
19039 |
k39 |
no |
yes |
k |
e80, e71 |
19040 |
k40 |
no |
yes |
k |
e80, e71 |
19041 |
k41 |
no |
yes |
k |
e80, e71 |
20040 |
ca40 |
yes |
yes |
ca |
e80, e71 |
20041 |
ca41 |
yes |
yes |
ca |
e80 |
20042 |
ca42 |
yes |
yes |
ca |
e80, e71 |
20043 |
ca43 |
yes |
yes |
ca |
e80, e71 |
20044 |
ca44 |
yes |
yes |
ca |
e80, e71 |
20045 |
ca45 |
yes |
yes |
ca |
e80 |
20046 |
ca46 |
yes |
yes |
ca |
e80, e71 |
20047 |
ca47 |
yes |
yes |
ca |
e80 |
20048 |
ca48 |
yes |
yes |
ca |
e80, e71 |
21045 |
sc45 |
no |
yes |
sc |
e80, e71 |
22046 |
ti46 |
yes |
yes |
ti |
e80, e71 |
22047 |
ti47 |
yes |
yes |
ti |
e80, e71 |
22048 |
ti48 |
yes |
yes |
ti |
e80, e71 |
22049 |
ti49 |
yes |
yes |
ti |
e80, e71 |
22050 |
ti50 |
yes |
yes |
ti |
e80, e71 |
23049 |
v49 |
yes |
yes |
v |
e80 |
23050 |
v50 |
yes |
yes |
v |
e80, e71 |
23051 |
v51 |
yes |
yes |
v |
e80, e71 |
24050 |
cr50 |
yes |
yes |
cr |
e80, e71 |
24051 |
cr51 |
yes |
yes |
cr |
e80 |
24052 |
cr52 |
yes |
yes |
cr |
e80, e71 |
24053 |
cr53 |
yes |
yes |
cr |
e80, e71 |
24054 |
cr54 |
yes |
yes |
cr |
e80, e71 |
25054 |
mn54 |
yes |
yes |
mn |
e80 |
25055 |
mn55 |
yes |
yes |
mn |
e80, e71 |
26054 |
fe54 |
yes |
yes |
fe |
e80, e71 |
26055 |
fe55 |
yes |
yes |
fe |
e80 |
26056 |
fe56 |
yes |
yes |
fe |
e80, e71 |
26057 |
fe57 |
yes |
yes |
fe |
e80, e71 |
26058 |
fe58 |
yes |
yes |
fe |
e80, e71 |
27058 |
co58 |
yes |
yes |
co |
e80, e71 |
1027058 |
co58m1 |
no |
yes |
co |
e80, e71 |
27059 |
co59 |
yes |
yes |
co |
e80, e71 |
28058 |
ni58 |
yes |
yes |
ni |
e80, e71 |
28059 |
ni59 |
yes |
yes |
ni |
e80, e71 |
28060 |
ni60 |
yes |
yes |
ni |
e80, e71 |
28061 |
ni61 |
yes |
yes |
ni |
e80, e71 |
28062 |
ni62 |
yes |
yes |
ni |
e80, e71 |
28063 |
ni63 |
yes |
yes |
ni |
e80 |
28064 |
ni64 |
yes |
yes |
ni |
e80, e71 |
29063 |
cu63 |
yes |
yes |
cu |
e80, e71 |
29064 |
cu64 |
yes |
yes |
cu |
e80 |
29065 |
cu65 |
yes |
yes |
cu |
e80, e71 |
30064 |
zn64 |
yes |
yes |
zn |
e80, e71 |
30065 |
zn65 |
yes |
yes |
zn |
e80, e71 |
30066 |
zn66 |
yes |
yes |
zn |
e80, e71 |
30067 |
zn67 |
yes |
yes |
zn |
e80, e71 |
30068 |
zn68 |
yes |
yes |
zn |
e80, e71 |
30069 |
zn69 |
yes |
yes |
zn |
e80 |
30070 |
zn70 |
yes |
yes |
zn |
e80, e71 |
31069 |
ga69 |
no |
yes |
ga |
e80, e71 |
31070 |
ga70 |
yes |
yes |
ga |
e80 |
31071 |
ga71 |
no |
yes |
ga |
e80, e71 |
32070 |
ge70 |
yes |
yes |
ge |
e80, e71 |
32071 |
ge71 |
yes |
yes |
ge |
e80 |
32072 |
ge72 |
yes |
yes |
ge |
e80, e71 |
32073 |
ge73 |
yes |
yes |
ge |
e80, e71 |
32074 |
ge74 |
yes |
yes |
ge |
e80, e71 |
32075 |
ge75 |
yes |
yes |
ge |
e80 |
32076 |
ge76 |
yes |
yes |
ge |
e80, e71 |
33073 |
as73 |
yes |
yes |
as |
e80 |
33074 |
as74 |
yes |
yes |
as |
e80, e71 |
33075 |
as75 |
yes |
yes |
as |
e80, e71 |
34074 |
se74 |
no |
yes |
se |
e80, e71 |
34075 |
se75 |
yes |
yes |
se |
e80 |
34076 |
se76 |
no |
yes |
se |
e80, e71 |
34077 |
se77 |
no |
yes |
se |
e80, e71 |
34078 |
se78 |
no |
yes |
se |
e80, e71 |
34079 |
se79 |
no |
yes |
se |
e80, e71 |
34080 |
se80 |
no |
yes |
se |
e80, e71 |
34081 |
se81 |
yes |
yes |
se |
e80 |
34082 |
se82 |
no |
yes |
se |
e80, e71 |
35079 |
br79 |
no |
yes |
br |
e80, e71 |
35080 |
br80 |
yes |
yes |
br |
e80 |
35081 |
br81 |
no |
yes |
br |
e80, e71 |
36078 |
kr78 |
yes |
yes |
kr |
e80, e71 |
36079 |
kr79 |
yes |
yes |
kr |
e80 |
36080 |
kr80 |
no |
yes |
kr |
e80, e71 |
36081 |
kr81 |
yes |
yes |
kr |
e80 |
36082 |
kr82 |
no |
yes |
kr |
e80, e71 |
36083 |
kr83 |
no |
yes |
kr |
e80, e71 |
36084 |
kr84 |
no |
yes |
kr |
e80, e71 |
36085 |
kr85 |
yes |
yes |
kr |
e80, e71 |
36086 |
kr86 |
no |
yes |
kr |
e80, e71 |
37085 |
rb85 |
no |
yes |
rb |
e80, e71 |
37086 |
rb86 |
yes |
yes |
rb |
e80, e71 |
37087 |
rb87 |
no |
yes |
rb |
e80, e71 |
38084 |
sr84 |
yes |
yes |
sr |
e80, e71 |
38085 |
sr85 |
yes |
yes |
sr |
e80 |
38086 |
sr86 |
no |
yes |
sr |
e80, e71 |
38087 |
sr87 |
no |
yes |
sr |
e80, e71 |
38088 |
sr88 |
no |
yes |
sr |
e80, e71 |
38089 |
sr89 |
no |
yes |
sr |
e80, e71 |
38090 |
sr90 |
no |
yes |
sr |
e80, e71 |
39089 |
y89 |
yes |
yes |
y |
e80, e71 |
39090 |
y90 |
yes |
yes |
y |
e80, e71 |
39091 |
y91 |
no |
yes |
y |
e80, e71 |
40090 |
zr90 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
40091 |
zr91 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
40092 |
zr92 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
40093 |
zr93 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
40094 |
zr94 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
40095 |
zr95 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
40096 |
zr96 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
41093 |
nb93 |
yes |
yes |
nb |
e80, e71 |
41094 |
nb94 |
no |
yes |
nb |
e80, e71 |
41095 |
nb95 |
no |
yes |
nb |
e80, e71 |
42092 |
mo92 |
no |
yes |
mo |
e80, e71 |
42093 |
mo93 |
yes |
yes |
mo |
e80 |
42094 |
mo94 |
no |
yes |
mo |
e80, e71 |
42095 |
mo95 |
yes |
yes |
mo |
e80, e71 |
42096 |
mo96 |
no |
yes |
mo |
e80, e71 |
42097 |
mo97 |
no |
yes |
mo |
e80, e71 |
42098 |
mo98 |
no |
yes |
mo |
e80, e71 |
42099 |
mo99 |
no |
yes |
mo |
e80, e71 |
42100 |
mo100 |
no |
yes |
mo |
e80, e71 |
43098 |
tc98 |
yes |
yes |
tc |
e80 |
43099 |
tc99 |
yes |
yes |
tc |
e80, e71 |
44096 |
ru96 |
no |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
44097 |
ru97 |
yes |
yes |
ru |
e80 |
44098 |
ru98 |
no |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
44099 |
ru99 |
no |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
44100 |
ru100 |
no |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
44101 |
ru101 |
yes |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
44102 |
ru102 |
no |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
44103 |
ru103 |
no |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
44104 |
ru104 |
no |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
44105 |
ru105 |
no |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
44106 |
ru106 |
no |
yes |
ru |
e80, e71 |
45103 |
rh103 |
yes |
yes |
rh |
e80, e71 |
45104 |
rh104 |
yes |
yes |
rh |
e80 |
45105 |
rh105 |
no |
yes |
rh |
e80, e71 |
46102 |
pd102 |
yes |
yes |
pd |
e80, e71 |
46103 |
pd103 |
yes |
yes |
pd |
e80 |
46104 |
pd104 |
yes |
yes |
pd |
e80, e71 |
46105 |
pd105 |
yes |
yes |
pd |
e80, e71 |
46106 |
pd106 |
yes |
yes |
pd |
e80, e71 |
46107 |
pd107 |
no |
yes |
pd |
e80, e71 |
46108 |
pd108 |
yes |
yes |
pd |
e80, e71 |
46109 |
pd109 |
yes |
yes |
pd |
e80 |
46110 |
pd110 |
yes |
yes |
pd |
e80, e71 |
47107 |
ag107 |
no |
yes |
ag |
e80, e71 |
47108 |
ag108 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80 |
47109 |
ag109 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80, e71 |
1047110 |
ag110m1 |
no |
yes |
ag |
e80, e71 |
47111 |
ag111 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80, e71 |
47112 |
ag112 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80 |
47113 |
ag113 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80 |
47114 |
ag114 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80 |
47115 |
ag115 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80 |
47116 |
ag116 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80 |
47117 |
ag117 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80 |
1047118 |
ag118m1 |
yes |
yes |
ag |
e80 |
48106 |
cd106 |
no |
yes |
cd |
e80, e71 |
48107 |
cd107 |
yes |
yes |
cd |
e80 |
48108 |
cd108 |
no |
yes |
cd |
e80, e71 |
48109 |
cd109 |
yes |
yes |
cd |
e80 |
48110 |
cd110 |
no |
yes |
cd |
e80, e71 |
48111 |
cd111 |
no |
yes |
cd |
e80, e71 |
48112 |
cd112 |
no |
yes |
cd |
e80, e71 |
48113 |
cd113 |
no |
yes |
cd |
e80, e71 |
48114 |
cd114 |
no |
yes |
cd |
e80, e71 |
1048115 |
cd115m1 |
yes |
yes |
cd |
e80, e71 |
48116 |
cd116 |
no |
yes |
cd |
e80, e71 |
49113 |
in113 |
no |
yes |
in |
e80, e71 |
49114 |
in114 |
yes |
yes |
in |
e80 |
49115 |
in115 |
no |
yes |
in |
e80, e71 |
50112 |
sn112 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50113 |
sn113 |
yes |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50114 |
sn114 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50115 |
sn115 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50116 |
sn116 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50117 |
sn117 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50118 |
sn118 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50119 |
sn119 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50120 |
sn120 |
yes |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
1050121 |
sn121m1 |
yes |
yes |
sn |
e80 |
50122 |
sn122 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50123 |
sn123 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50124 |
sn124 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50125 |
sn125 |
yes |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
50126 |
sn126 |
no |
yes |
sn |
e80, e71 |
51121 |
sb121 |
no |
yes |
sb |
e80, e71 |
51122 |
sb122 |
yes |
yes |
sb |
e80 |
51123 |
sb123 |
no |
yes |
sb |
e80, e71 |
51124 |
sb124 |
no |
yes |
sb |
e80, e71 |
51125 |
sb125 |
no |
yes |
sb |
e80, e71 |
51126 |
sb126 |
yes |
yes |
sb |
e80, e71 |
52120 |
te120 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
52121 |
te121 |
yes |
yes |
te |
e80 |
1052121 |
te121m1 |
yes |
yes |
te |
e80 |
52122 |
te122 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
52123 |
te123 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
52124 |
te124 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
52125 |
te125 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
52126 |
te126 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
1052127 |
te127m1 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
52128 |
te128 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
1052129 |
te129m1 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
52130 |
te130 |
no |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
52131 |
te131 |
yes |
yes |
te |
e80 |
1052131 |
te131m1 |
yes |
yes |
te |
e80 |
52132 |
te132 |
yes |
yes |
te |
e80, e71 |
53127 |
i127 |
yes |
yes |
i |
e80, e71 |
53128 |
i128 |
yes |
yes |
i |
e80 |
53129 |
i129 |
no |
yes |
i |
e80, e71 |
53130 |
i130 |
yes |
yes |
i |
e80, e71 |
53131 |
i131 |
no |
yes |
i |
e80, e71 |
53132 |
i132 |
yes |
yes |
i |
e80 |
1053132 |
i132m1 |
yes |
yes |
i |
e80 |
53133 |
i133 |
yes |
yes |
i |
e80 |
53134 |
i134 |
yes |
yes |
i |
e80 |
53135 |
i135 |
no |
yes |
i |
e80, e71 |
54123 |
xe123 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54124 |
xe124 |
yes |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54125 |
xe125 |
yes |
yes |
xe |
e80 |
54126 |
xe126 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54127 |
xe127 |
yes |
yes |
xe |
e80 |
54128 |
xe128 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54129 |
xe129 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54130 |
xe130 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54131 |
xe131 |
yes |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54132 |
xe132 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54133 |
xe133 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54134 |
xe134 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54135 |
xe135 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
54136 |
xe136 |
no |
yes |
xe |
e80, e71 |
55133 |
cs133 |
yes |
yes |
cs |
e80, e71 |
55134 |
cs134 |
no |
yes |
cs |
e80, e71 |
55135 |
cs135 |
no |
yes |
cs |
e80, e71 |
55136 |
cs136 |
no |
yes |
cs |
e80, e71 |
55137 |
cs137 |
no |
yes |
cs |
e80, e71 |
56130 |
ba130 |
no |
yes |
ba |
e80, e71 |
56131 |
ba131 |
yes |
yes |
ba |
e80 |
56132 |
ba132 |
no |
yes |
ba |
e80, e71 |
56133 |
ba133 |
yes |
yes |
ba |
e80, e71 |
56134 |
ba134 |
no |
yes |
ba |
e80, e71 |
56135 |
ba135 |
no |
yes |
ba |
e80, e71 |
56136 |
ba136 |
no |
yes |
ba |
e80, e71 |
56137 |
ba137 |
no |
yes |
ba |
e80, e71 |
56138 |
ba138 |
no |
yes |
ba |
e80, e71 |
56139 |
ba139 |
yes |
yes |
ba |
e80 |
56140 |
ba140 |
no |
yes |
ba |
e80, e71 |
57138 |
la138 |
no |
yes |
la |
e80, e71 |
57139 |
la139 |
no |
yes |
la |
e80, e71 |
57140 |
la140 |
yes |
yes |
la |
e80, e71 |
58136 |
ce136 |
yes |
yes |
ce |
e80, e71 |
58137 |
ce137 |
yes |
yes |
ce |
e80 |
1058137 |
ce137m1 |
yes |
yes |
ce |
e80 |
58138 |
ce138 |
yes |
yes |
ce |
e80, e71 |
58139 |
ce139 |
yes |
yes |
ce |
e80, e71 |
58140 |
ce140 |
no |
yes |
ce |
e80, e71 |
58141 |
ce141 |
no |
yes |
ce |
e80, e71 |
58142 |
ce142 |
no |
yes |
ce |
e80, e71 |
58143 |
ce143 |
yes |
yes |
ce |
e80, e71 |
58144 |
ce144 |
no |
yes |
ce |
e80, e71 |
59141 |
pr141 |
yes |
yes |
pr |
e80, e71 |
59142 |
pr142 |
yes |
yes |
pr |
e80, e71 |
59143 |
pr143 |
no |
yes |
pr |
e80, e71 |
60142 |
nd142 |
yes |
yes |
nd |
e80, e71 |
60143 |
nd143 |
yes |
yes |
nd |
e80, e71 |
60144 |
nd144 |
yes |
yes |
nd |
e80, e71 |
60145 |
nd145 |
yes |
yes |
nd |
e80, e71 |
60146 |
nd146 |
yes |
yes |
nd |
e80, e71 |
60147 |
nd147 |
yes |
yes |
nd |
e80, e71 |
60148 |
nd148 |
yes |
yes |
nd |
e80, e71 |
60149 |
nd149 |
yes |
yes |
nd |
e80 |
60150 |
nd150 |
yes |
yes |
nd |
e80, e71 |
61143 |
pm143 |
yes |
yes |
pm |
e80 |
61144 |
pm144 |
yes |
yes |
pm |
e80 |
61145 |
pm145 |
yes |
yes |
pm |
e80 |
61146 |
pm146 |
yes |
yes |
pm |
e80 |
61147 |
pm147 |
no |
yes |
pm |
e80, e71 |
61148 |
pm148 |
no |
yes |
pm |
e80, e71 |
1061148 |
pm148m1 |
no |
yes |
pm |
e80, e71 |
61149 |
pm149 |
no |
yes |
pm |
e80, e71 |
61150 |
pm150 |
yes |
yes |
pm |
e80 |
61151 |
pm151 |
yes |
yes |
pm |
e80, e71 |
62144 |
sm144 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80, e71 |
62145 |
sm145 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80 |
62146 |
sm146 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80 |
62147 |
sm147 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80, e71 |
62148 |
sm148 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80, e71 |
62149 |
sm149 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80, e71 |
62150 |
sm150 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80, e71 |
62151 |
sm151 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80, e71 |
62152 |
sm152 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80, e71 |
62153 |
sm153 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80, e71 |
62154 |
sm154 |
yes |
yes |
sm |
e80, e71 |
63151 |
eu151 |
no |
yes |
eu |
e80, e71 |
63152 |
eu152 |
no |
yes |
eu |
e80, e71 |
63153 |
eu153 |
yes |
yes |
eu |
e80, e71 |
63154 |
eu154 |
no |
yes |
eu |
e80, e71 |
63155 |
eu155 |
no |
yes |
eu |
e80, e71 |
63156 |
eu156 |
no |
yes |
eu |
e80, e71 |
63157 |
eu157 |
yes |
yes |
eu |
e80, e71 |
64152 |
gd152 |
yes |
yes |
gd |
e80, e71 |
64153 |
gd153 |
yes |
yes |
gd |
e80, e71 |
64154 |
gd154 |
yes |
yes |
gd |
e80, e71 |
64155 |
gd155 |
yes |
yes |
gd |
e80, e71 |
64156 |
gd156 |
yes |
yes |
gd |
e80, e71 |
64157 |
gd157 |
yes |
yes |
gd |
e80, e71 |
64158 |
gd158 |
yes |
yes |
gd |
e80, e71 |
64159 |
gd159 |
yes |
yes |
gd |
e80 |
64160 |
gd160 |
yes |
yes |
gd |
e80, e71 |
65158 |
tb158 |
yes |
yes |
tb |
e80 |
65159 |
tb159 |
no |
yes |
tb |
e80, e71 |
65160 |
tb160 |
yes |
yes |
tb |
e80, e71 |
65161 |
tb161 |
yes |
yes |
tb |
e80 |
66154 |
dy154 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80 |
66155 |
dy155 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80 |
66156 |
dy156 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80, e71 |
66157 |
dy157 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80 |
66158 |
dy158 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80, e71 |
66159 |
dy159 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80 |
66160 |
dy160 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80, e71 |
66161 |
dy161 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80, e71 |
66162 |
dy162 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80, e71 |
66163 |
dy163 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80, e71 |
66164 |
dy164 |
yes |
yes |
dy |
e80, e71 |
67165 |
ho165 |
no |
yes |
ho |
e80, e71 |
1067166 |
ho166m1 |
yes |
yes |
ho |
e80, e71 |
68162 |
er162 |
no |
yes |
er |
e80, e71 |
68163 |
er163 |
yes |
yes |
er |
e80 |
68164 |
er164 |
no |
yes |
er |
e80, e71 |
68165 |
er165 |
yes |
yes |
er |
e80 |
68166 |
er166 |
no |
yes |
er |
e80, e71 |
68167 |
er167 |
no |
yes |
er |
e80, e71 |
68168 |
er168 |
no |
yes |
er |
e80, e71 |
68169 |
er169 |
yes |
yes |
er |
e80 |
68170 |
er170 |
no |
yes |
er |
e80, e71 |
69168 |
tm168 |
yes |
yes |
tm |
e80, e71 |
69169 |
tm169 |
yes |
yes |
tm |
e80, e71 |
69170 |
tm170 |
yes |
yes |
tm |
e80, e71 |
69171 |
tm171 |
yes |
yes |
tm |
e80 |
70168 |
yb168 |
no |
yes |
yb |
e80 |
70169 |
yb169 |
yes |
yes |
yb |
e80 |
70170 |
yb170 |
no |
yes |
yb |
e80 |
70171 |
yb171 |
no |
yes |
yb |
e80 |
70172 |
yb172 |
no |
yes |
yb |
e80 |
70173 |
yb173 |
no |
yes |
yb |
e80 |
70174 |
yb174 |
no |
yes |
yb |
e80 |
70175 |
yb175 |
yes |
yes |
yb |
e80 |
70176 |
yb176 |
no |
yes |
yb |
e80 |
71175 |
lu175 |
no |
yes |
lu |
e80, e71 |
71176 |
lu176 |
no |
yes |
lu |
e80, e71 |
72174 |
hf174 |
yes |
yes |
hf |
e80, e71 |
72175 |
hf175 |
yes |
yes |
hf |
e80 |
72176 |
hf176 |
yes |
yes |
hf |
e80, e71 |
72177 |
hf177 |
yes |
yes |
hf |
e80, e71 |
72178 |
hf178 |
yes |
yes |
hf |
e80, e71 |
72179 |
hf179 |
yes |
yes |
hf |
e80, e71 |
72180 |
hf180 |
yes |
yes |
hf |
e80, e71 |
72181 |
hf181 |
no |
yes |
hf |
e80 |
72182 |
hf182 |
no |
yes |
hf |
e80 |
73180 |
ta180 |
no |
yes |
ta |
e80, e71 |
73181 |
ta181 |
no |
yes |
ta |
e80, e71 |
73182 |
ta182 |
no |
yes |
ta |
e80, e71 |
74180 |
w180 |
yes |
yes |
w |
e80, e71 |
74181 |
w181 |
yes |
yes |
w |
e80 |
74182 |
w182 |
yes |
yes |
w |
e80, e71 |
74183 |
w183 |
yes |
yes |
w |
e80, e71 |
74184 |
w184 |
yes |
yes |
w |
e80, e71 |
74185 |
w185 |
yes |
yes |
w |
e80 |
74186 |
w186 |
yes |
yes |
w |
e80, e71 |
75185 |
re185 |
no |
yes |
re |
e80, e71 |
1075186 |
re186m1 |
yes |
yes |
re |
e80 |
75187 |
re187 |
no |
yes |
re |
e80, e71 |
76184 |
os184 |
yes |
yes |
os |
e80 |
76185 |
os185 |
yes |
yes |
os |
e80 |
76186 |
os186 |
yes |
yes |
os |
e80 |
76187 |
os187 |
yes |
yes |
os |
e80 |
76188 |
os188 |
yes |
yes |
os |
e80 |
76189 |
os189 |
yes |
yes |
os |
e80 |
76190 |
os190 |
yes |
yes |
os |
e80 |
76191 |
os191 |
yes |
yes |
os |
e80 |
76192 |
os192 |
yes |
yes |
os |
e80 |
77191 |
ir191 |
yes |
yes |
ir |
e80, e71 |
77192 |
ir192 |
yes |
yes |
ir |
e80 |
77193 |
ir193 |
yes |
yes |
ir |
e80, e71 |
1077194 |
ir194m1 |
yes |
yes |
ir |
e80 |
78190 |
pt190 |
yes |
yes |
pt |
e80 |
78191 |
pt191 |
yes |
yes |
pt |
e80 |
78192 |
pt192 |
yes |
yes |
pt |
e80 |
78193 |
pt193 |
yes |
yes |
pt |
e80 |
78194 |
pt194 |
yes |
yes |
pt |
e80 |
78195 |
pt195 |
yes |
yes |
pt |
e80 |
78196 |
pt196 |
yes |
yes |
pt |
e80 |
78197 |
pt197 |
yes |
yes |
pt |
e80 |
78198 |
pt198 |
yes |
yes |
pt |
e80 |
79197 |
au197 |
no |
yes |
au |
e80, e71 |
80196 |
hg196 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80, e71 |
80197 |
hg197 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80 |
1080197 |
hg197m1 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80 |
80198 |
hg198 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80, e71 |
80199 |
hg199 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80, e71 |
80200 |
hg200 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80, e71 |
80201 |
hg201 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80, e71 |
80202 |
hg202 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80, e71 |
80203 |
hg203 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80 |
80204 |
hg204 |
yes |
yes |
hg |
e80, e71 |
81203 |
tl203 |
yes |
yes |
tl |
e80, e71 |
81204 |
tl204 |
yes |
yes |
tl |
e80 |
81205 |
tl205 |
yes |
yes |
tl |
e80, e71 |
82204 |
pb204 |
yes |
yes |
pb |
e80, e71 |
82205 |
pb205 |
yes |
yes |
pb |
e80 |
82206 |
pb206 |
yes |
yes |
pb |
e80, e71 |
82207 |
pb207 |
yes |
yes |
pb |
e80, e71 |
82208 |
pb208 |
yes |
yes |
pb |
e80, e71 |
83209 |
bi209 |
yes |
yes |
bi |
e80, e71 |
1083210 |
bi210m1 |
yes |
yes |
bi |
e80 |
84208 |
po208 |
yes |
yes |
po |
e80 |
84209 |
po209 |
yes |
yes |
po |
e80 |
84210 |
po210 |
yes |
yes |
po |
e80 |
88223 |
ra223 |
no |
yes |
ra |
e80, e71 |
88224 |
ra224 |
no |
yes |
ra |
e80, e71 |
88225 |
ra225 |
no |
yes |
ra |
e80, e71 |
88226 |
ra226 |
no |
yes |
ra |
e80, e71 |
89225 |
ac225 |
yes |
yes |
ac |
e80, e71 |
89226 |
ac226 |
yes |
yes |
ac |
e80, e71 |
89227 |
ac227 |
yes |
yes |
ac |
e80, e71 |
90227 |
th227 |
yes |
yes |
th |
e80, e71 |
90228 |
th228 |
yes |
yes |
th |
e80, e71 |
90229 |
th229 |
yes |
yes |
th |
e80, e71 |
90230 |
th230 |
yes |
yes |
th |
e80, e71 |
90231 |
th231 |
yes |
yes |
th |
e80, e71 |
90232 |
th232 |
yes |
yes |
th |
e80, e71 |
90233 |
th233 |
yes |
yes |
th |
e80, e71 |
90234 |
th234 |
yes |
yes |
th |
e80, e71 |
91229 |
pa229 |
yes |
yes |
pa |
e80, e71 |
91230 |
pa230 |
yes |
yes |
pa |
e80, e71 |
91231 |
pa231 |
yes |
yes |
pa |
e80, e71 |
91232 |
pa232 |
yes |
yes |
pa |
e80, e71 |
91233 |
pa233 |
yes |
yes |
pa |
e80, e71 |
92230 |
u230 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92231 |
u231 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92232 |
u232 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92233 |
u233 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92234 |
u234 |
no |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92235 |
u235 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92236 |
u236 |
no |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92237 |
u237 |
no |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92238 |
u238 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92239 |
u239 |
no |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92240 |
u240 |
no |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
92241 |
u241 |
no |
yes |
u |
e80, e71 |
93234 |
np234 |
yes |
yes |
np |
e80, e71 |
93235 |
np235 |
yes |
yes |
np |
e80, e71 |
93236 |
np236 |
yes |
yes |
np |
e80, e71 |
1093236 |
np236m1 |
yes |
yes |
np |
e80 |
93237 |
np237 |
no |
yes |
np |
e80, e71 |
93238 |
np238 |
yes |
yes |
np |
e80, e71 |
93239 |
np239 |
yes |
yes |
np |
e80, e71 |
94236 |
pu236 |
yes |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
94237 |
pu237 |
yes |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
94238 |
pu238 |
no |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
94239 |
pu239 |
yes |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
94240 |
pu240 |
no |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
94241 |
pu241 |
no |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
94242 |
pu242 |
yes |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
94243 |
pu243 |
no |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
94244 |
pu244 |
yes |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
94245 |
pu245 |
yes |
yes |
pu |
e80 |
94246 |
pu246 |
yes |
yes |
pu |
e80, e71 |
95240 |
am240 |
yes |
yes |
am |
e80, e71 |
95241 |
am241 |
yes |
yes |
am |
e80, e71 |
95242 |
am242 |
no |
yes |
am |
e80, e71 |
1095242 |
am242m1 |
no |
yes |
am |
e80, e71 |
95243 |
am243 |
no |
yes |
am |
e80, e71 |
95244 |
am244 |
no |
yes |
am |
e80, e71 |
1095244 |
am244m1 |
no |
yes |
am |
e80, e71 |
96240 |
cm240 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96241 |
cm241 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96242 |
cm242 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96243 |
cm243 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96244 |
cm244 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96245 |
cm245 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96246 |
cm246 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96247 |
cm247 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96248 |
cm248 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96249 |
cm249 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
96250 |
cm250 |
yes |
yes |
cm |
e80, e71 |
97245 |
bk245 |
yes |
yes |
bk |
e80, e71 |
97246 |
bk246 |
yes |
yes |
bk |
e80, e71 |
97247 |
bk247 |
yes |
yes |
bk |
e80, e71 |
97248 |
bk248 |
yes |
yes |
bk |
e80, e71 |
97249 |
bk249 |
yes |
yes |
bk |
e80, e71 |
97250 |
bk250 |
yes |
yes |
bk |
e80, e71 |
98246 |
cf246 |
yes |
yes |
cf |
e80, e71 |
98247 |
cf247 |
yes |
yes |
cf |
e80 |
98248 |
cf248 |
yes |
yes |
cf |
e80, e71 |
98249 |
cf249 |
yes |
yes |
cf |
e80, e71 |
98250 |
cf250 |
yes |
yes |
cf |
e80, e71 |
98251 |
cf251 |
yes |
yes |
cf |
e80, e71 |
98252 |
cf252 |
yes |
yes |
cf |
e80, e71 |
98253 |
cf253 |
yes |
yes |
cf |
e80, e71 |
98254 |
cf254 |
yes |
yes |
cf |
e80, e71 |
99251 |
es251 |
yes |
yes |
es |
e80, e71 |
99252 |
es252 |
yes |
yes |
es |
e80, e71 |
99253 |
es253 |
yes |
yes |
es |
e80, e71 |
99254 |
es254 |
yes |
yes |
es |
e80, e71 |
1099254 |
es254m1 |
yes |
yes |
es |
e80, e71 |
99255 |
es255 |
yes |
yes |
es |
e80, e71 |
100255 |
fm255 |
yes |
yes |
fm |
e80, e71 |
1013027 |
albound |
yes |
yes |
al |
e80, e71 |
1026056 |
fe56-bound |
yes |
yes |
fe |
e80, e71 |
3004009 |
bebound |
yes |
yes |
be |
e80, e71 |
5004009 |
be-beo |
yes |
yes |
be |
e80, e71 |
6001001 |
h-benzene |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
5006012 |
c12-benzene |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80 |
5006013 |
c13-benzene |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80 |
5106012 |
c12_3c_sic |
yes |
yes |
c |
e80 |
5106013 |
c13_3c_sic |
yes |
yes |
c |
e80 |
3006012 |
c12-graphite |
yes |
yes |
c |
e80 |
3006013 |
c13-graphite |
yes |
yes |
c |
e80 |
1002 |
h-2 |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
9101001 |
h-lucite |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80 |
9001001 |
h-poly |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
1001 |
h-1 |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
1101001 |
h-ice_ih |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80 |
1201001 |
h-yh2 |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80 |
7001001 |
h-zrh2 |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
1001001 |
h-liquid_ch4 |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
1007014 |
n14-un |
yes |
yes |
n |
e80 |
1007015 |
n15-un |
yes |
yes |
n |
e80 |
5008016 |
o16-beo |
yes |
yes |
o |
e80, e71 |
2008016 |
o16-d2o |
yes |
yes |
o |
e80 |
1108016 |
o16-ice_ih |
yes |
yes |
o |
e80 |
1008016 |
o16-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
o |
e80, e71 |
4001002 |
d-cryo_ortho |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
4001001 |
h-cryo_ortho |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
5001002 |
d-cryo_para |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
5001001 |
h-cryo_para |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
3106012 |
c12-10_graph |
yes |
yes |
c |
e80 |
3106013 |
c13-10_graph |
yes |
yes |
c |
e80 |
3206012 |
c12-30_graph |
yes |
yes |
c |
e80 |
3206013 |
c13-30_graph |
yes |
yes |
c |
e80 |
2001001 |
h-solid_ch4 |
yes |
yes |
h |
e80, e71 |
2014028 |
si28-3c_sic |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
2014029 |
si29-3c_sic |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
2014030 |
si30-3c_sic |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
1014028 |
si28-sio2 |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80, e71 |
1014029 |
si29-sio2 |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80, e71 |
1014030 |
si30-sio2 |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80, e71 |
1018016 |
o16-sio2 |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
1114028 |
si28-sio2_b |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
1114029 |
si29-sio2_b |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
1114030 |
si30-sio2_b |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
1118016 |
o16-sio2_b |
yes |
yes |
si |
e80 |
1039089 |
y89-yh2 |
yes |
yes |
y |
e80 |
1039090 |
y90-yh2 |
yes |
yes |
y |
e80 |
1039091 |
y91-yh2 |
yes |
yes |
y |
e80 |
1040090 |
zr90-zr5h8 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
1040091 |
zr91-zr5h8 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
1040092 |
zr92-zr5h8 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
1040093 |
zr93-zr5h8 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
1040094 |
zr94-zr5h8 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
1040095 |
zr95-zr5h8 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
1040096 |
zr96-zr5h8 |
yes |
yes |
zr |
e80, e71 |
6000 |
c |
yes |
yes |
c |
e71* |
1092230 |
u230-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092231 |
u231-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092232 |
u232-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092233 |
u233-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092234 |
u234-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092235 |
u235-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092236 |
u236-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092237 |
u237-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092238 |
u238-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092239 |
u239-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092240 |
u240-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
1092241 |
u241-uo2 |
yes |
yes |
u |
e71 |
5006000 |
c-benzene |
yes |
yes |
h |
e71* |
3006000 |
graphite |
yes |
yes |
c |
e71* |
* natural carbon evaluation is unique to ENDF/B-VII.1, but name can be used with ENDF/B-VIII.0 and SCALE will expand to isotopic evaluations
Element |
SCALE standard composition ID |
Missing Isotopes |
ZA numbers |
% Abundance |
oxygen |
8000 |
18 |
8018 |
0.20 |
neon |
10000 |
21, 22 |
10021, 10022 |
0.27, 9.25 |
ytterbium |
70000 |
All(1) |
(1) |
osmium |
76000 |
All(2) |
(2) |
platinum |
78000 |
All(3) |
(3) |
tantalum |
73000 |
180m |
1073180 |
0.01 |
no data for any of the 7 naturally-occurring ytterbium isotopes
no data for any of the 7 naturally-occurring osmium isotopes
no data for any of the 6 naturally-occurring platinum isotopes
Some notes regarding the use of TSLs in SCALE should be addressed. The naming convention for these materials is traditionally {isotope}-{material name} (e.g., C12-graphite). Similar to the isotopic nuclear data files, elemental versions of these materials can also be called that will appropriately weight the isotopes according to SCALE Standard Composition Library (e.g., si-sio2 will call all si28-sio2, si29-sio2, and si30-sio2). Some materials do not have a corresponding isotopic distribution for all of their isotopes (e.g., o-sio2). Therefore, calling o-sio2 will only pull o16-sio2 data and the o17 and o18 isotopic data (if available).
There are some exceptions to these guidelines, most notably that h-1 defaults to the H in H2O TSL file (as opposed to the H-1 isotopic nuclear data file) and h-2 defaults to the D in D2O TSL file. Additionally, some of the material names might be confusing to users, as they can be related to material science properties that are not well known outside of the material science community. The most notable example of this is 3c_sic, which is silicon carbide. Furthermore, certain materials are released with SCALE but are not recommended for use by the general practitioner. These cases are highlighted in the “Notes” column in the following table, with an explanation below the table.
ID |
Name |
Temperatures |
Notes |
1001 |
h-1 |
283.6, 293.6, 300.0, 323.6, 350.0, 373.6, 400.0, 423.6, 450.0, 473.6, 500.0, 523.6, 550.0, 573.6, 600.0, 623.6, 650.0, 800.0 |
1002 |
h-2 |
283.6, 293.6, 300.0, 323.6, 350.0, 373.6, 400.0, 423.6, 450.0, 473.6, 500.0, 523.6, 550.0, 573.6, 600.0, 623.6, 650.0 |
1001001 |
h-liquid_ch4 |
100.0 |
1007014 |
n14-un |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
Should not be used(1) |
1007015 |
n15-un |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
Should not be used(1) |
1008016 |
o16-uo2 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
Should not be used(1) |
1013027 1014028 |
albound si28-sio2 |
20.0, 80.0, 293.6, 400.0, 600.0, 800.0 293.6, 350.0, 400.0, 500.0, 800.0 |
1014029 |
si29-sio2 |
293.6, 350.0, 400.0, 500.0, 800.0 |
1014030 |
si30-sio2 |
293.6, 350.0, 400.0, 500.0, 800.0 |
1018016 |
o16-sio2 |
293.6, 350.0, 400.0, 500.0, 800.0 |
1026056 |
fe56-bound |
20.0, 80.0, 293.6, 400.0, 600.0, 800.0 |
1039089 |
y89-yh2 |
293.6, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1400.0, 1600.0 |
1039090 |
y90-yh2 |
293.6, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1400.0, 1600.0 |
1039091 |
y91-yh2 |
293.6, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1400.0, 1600.0 |
1040090 |
zr90-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040091 |
zr91-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040092 |
zr92-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040093 |
zr93-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040094 |
zr94-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040095 |
zr95-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040096 |
zr96-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1101001 |
h-ice_ih |
115.0, 188.2, 208.2, 228.2, 233.2, 248.2, 253.2, 268.1, 273.1 |
1108016 |
o16-ice_ih |
115.0, 188.2, 208.2, 228.2, 233.2, 248.2, 253.2, 268.1, 273.1 |
1114028 |
si28-sio2_b |
1000.0, 1100.0 |
1114029 |
si29-sio2_b |
1000.0, 1100.0 |
1114030 |
si30-sio2_b |
1000.0, 1100.0 |
1118016 |
o16-sio2_b |
1000.0, 1100.0 |
1201001 |
h-yh2 |
293.6, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1400.0, 1600.0 |
2001001 |
h-solid_ch4 |
22.0 |
2008016 |
o16-d2o |
283.6, 293.6, 300.0, 323.6, 350.0, 373.6, 400.0, 423.6, 450.0, 473.6, 500.0, 523.6, 550.0, 573.6, 600.0, 623.6, 650.0 |
2014028 |
si28-3c_sic |
300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
2014029 |
si29-3c_sic |
300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
2014030 |
si30-3c_sic |
300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
3004009 |
bebound |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
3006012 |
c12-graphite |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1600.0, 2000.0 |
3006013 |
c13-graphite |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1600.0, 2000.0 |
3106012 |
c12-10_graph |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1600.0, 2000.0 |
Should not be used(2) |
3106013 |
c13-10_graph |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1600.0, 2000.0 |
Should not be used(2) |
3206012 |
c12-30_graph |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1600.0, 2000.0 |
Should not be used(2) |
3206013 |
c13-30_graph |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1600.0, 2000.0 |
Should not be used(2) |
4001001 |
h-cryo_ortho |
20.0 |
4001002 |
d-cryo_ortho |
19.0 |
5001001 |
h-cryo_para |
20.0 |
5001002 |
d-cryo_para |
19.0 |
5004009 |
be-beo |
293.6, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
5006012 |
c12-benzene |
296.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 600.0, 800.0, 1000.0 |
5006013 |
c13-benzene |
296.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 600.0, 800.0, 1000.0 |
5008016 |
o16-beo |
293.6, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
5106012 |
c12_3c_sic |
300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
5106013 |
c13_3c_sic |
300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
6001001 |
h-benzene |
296.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 600.0, 800.0, 1000.0 |
7001001 |
h-zrh2 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
9001001 |
h-poly |
77.0, 196.0, 233.0, 293.6, 300.0, 303.0, 313.0, 323.0, 333.0, 343.0, 350.0 |
9101001 |
h-lucite |
300.0 |
The decision was made to remove the uranium-based TSL files (U-UO2 and U-UN), as there are outstanding questions regarding their accuracy. The other elements in these materials (O-UO2 and N-UN, respectively) have been kept, in case a user would like to process the uranium contributions on their own.
Internal and external testing has shown that these files are not representative of real-world graphite [XSLibAQCL+21]. Therefore, they are included only for comparison purposes; the recommendation in all cases where graphite is present is to use the c12-graphite and c13-graphite files.
ID |
Name |
Temperatures |
Notes |
1001 |
h-1 |
293.6, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 800.0 |
1002 |
h-2 |
293.6, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0 |
1001001 |
h-liquid_ch4 |
100.0 |
1008016 |
o16-uo2 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1013027 |
albound |
20.0, 80.0, 293.6, 400.0, 600.0, 800.0 |
Additional naming convention(1) |
1014028 |
si28-sio2 |
293.6, 350.0, 400.0, 500.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1014029 |
si29-sio2 |
293.6, 350.0, 400.0, 500.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1014030 |
si30-sio2 |
293.6, 350.0, 400.0, 500.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1026000 |
fe56-bound |
20.0, 80.0, 293.6, 400.0, 600.0, 800.0 |
1040090 |
zr90-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040091 |
zr91-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040092 |
zr92-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040093 |
zr93-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040094 |
zr94-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040095 |
zr95-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
1040096 |
zr96-zr5h8 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
2001001 |
h-solid_ch4 |
22.0 |
3004009 |
bebound |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
Additional naming convention(2) |
3006000 |
c-graphite |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1600.0, 2000.0 |
4001001 |
h-cryo_ortho |
20.0 |
4001002 |
d-cryo_ortho |
19.0 |
5001001 |
h-cryo_para |
20.0 |
5001002 |
d-cryo_para |
19.0 |
5004009 |
be-beo |
293.6, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
Additional naming convention(2) |
5006000 |
c-benzene |
296.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 600.0, 800.0, 1000.0 |
5008016 |
o16-beo |
293.6, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
6001001 |
h-benzene |
296.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 600.0, 800.0, 1000.0 |
7001001 |
h-zrh2 |
296.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1000.0, 1200.0 |
9001001 |
h-poly |
296.0, 350.0 |
This is an exception to the rule in the above paragraph, as there is only one stable isotope of aluminum.
This is an exception to the rule in the above paragraph, as there is only one stable isotope of beryllium.
Mnemonic names |
Primary data source/format |
Last field of cross section library filename |
ENDF/B-VII.1 252-group neutron |
xn252v7.1 |
ENDF/B-VIII.0 252-group neutron library |
xn252v8.0 |
ENDF/B-VII.1 56-group neutron library |
xn56v7.1 |
TEST LIBRARY 8-group ENDF/B-VII.1 neutron library |
test8g_v7.1 |
ENDF/B-VII.1 200 neutron/47 gamma library |
xn200g47v7.1 |
ENDF/B-VIII.0 200 neutron/47 gamma library |
xn200g47v8.0 |
ENDF/B-VII.1 28 neutron/19 gamma library |
xn28g19v7.1 |
ENDF/B-VIII.0 28 neutron/19 gamma library |
xn28g19v8.0 |
ENDF/B-VII.1 Continuous-energy neutron and gamma library |
ENDF/B-VIII.0 Continuous-energy neutron and gamma library |
ENDF/B-VII.1 302-group neutron library |
ENDF/B-VIII.0 302-group neutron library |
ENDF/B-VII.1 1597-group neutron library |
ENDF/B-VIII.0 1597-group neutron library |
Additional convenience mnemonics are also available to always alias to the most recent nuclear data libraries for the intended purpose. The mnemonics shown in Table 10.1.2 will allow the use of the same input files with this and future versions of SCALE, but will always access the most recent nuclear data libraries and group structures.
Mnemonic name |
Aliased library |
broad_lwr |
xn56v7.1 |
fine_therm |
xn252v7.1 |
ce |
ce_v7.1_endf |
ce.xml |
ce_v7.1_endf.xml |
test_n |
test8g_v7.1 |
10.1.2. Description of the SCALE Cross Section Libraries The 252-group ENDF/B libraries
SCALE includes a fine group structure for criticality safety and reactor physics applications: a 252-group library structure based on either ENDF/B-VII.1 or ENDF/B-VIII.0 is available for either criticality safety or reactor physics. Table 10.1.9, shows the group structure for the 252 fine-group libraries. The 252-group structure was developed to adequately capture spectral and temperature effects important for reactor systems and was processed with newer, improved procedures.
The SCALE control sequences for criticality safety and reactor physics applications normally perform self-shielding of the fine-group libraries using the BONAMI module for the unresolved resonance range; and the CENTRM/PMC modules for the resolved resonance/thermal range. However the 252-group libraries include Bondarenko self-shielding factors for the entire energy range, which provides the option of using the Bondarenko method to self-shield both the resolved and unresolved resonance ranges, as an alternative to the more rigorous (and computationally intensive) CENTRM/PMC approach. As discussed in the following section, one objective of the ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 252-group and 56-group libraries was to provide a more accurate Bondarenko treatment for the resolved resonance range. Differences in the 238-group and 252-group libraries
The standard weighting function described in Table 10.1.7 is typically used to create MG data for all materials in a library, and Bondarenko shielding factors can be computed using the narrow resonance (NR) approximation for the flux spectrum: \(\sigma\)t+ \(\sigma\)0)*C(E) where \(\sigma\)0 is the background cross section, and C(E) is the standard weight function. Bondarenko factors are tabulated at temperatures of at 293 K, 565 K, 600 K, 900 K, 1200 K, 2000 K, and 2400 K in the 252-group library.
Energy Range |
Standard Weight Function |
10-5 eV - 0.1 eV |
Maxwellian, with peak at 0.025 eV |
0.1 eV - 80 keV |
1/E |
80 keV - 10 MeV |
Watt Fission spectrum at temperature of 1.273 MeV |
10 MeV -20 MeV |
1/E |
Several enhancements were made in the MG processing procedures used to produce the 252-group library so that it would be more applicable to reactor physics as well as criticality safety applications. Some of the improvements in the 252-group library compared to the SCALE-6.2 238-group library are given below
(a) The base weighting function for processing MG data of actinide materials (Z>89) was computed by the PW transport code CENTRM for a PWR lattice at 300 K. This approach provides more representative weighted 2D scattering matrices for most cases of interest. The standard weighting function is still used for materials with Z<90.
(b) The thermal energy range which includes up-scattering reactions was extended to 5 eV, compared to 3 eV in the SCALE 6.2 238-group library
(c) Temperature-dependent thermal-scattering matrices for water-bound H, O-16, and actinide materials were processed with temperature-dependent thermal flux spectra obtained from CENTRM calculations for a PWR pincell. Actinide and O-16 MG thermal scattering kernels were weighted with the fuel zone flux at temperatures of 293 K, 600 K, 900 K, 1200 K, and 2400 K, and the water scatter kernels were weighted with the moderator flux at 293 K, 500 K, 600 K, 650 K, 900 K, and 1200 K. In the SCALE 6.2 238-group library, thermal scattering matrices at all temperatures were weighted with a temperature-independent Maxwellian spectrum.
(d) Group-dependent IR parameters (“lambdas”) were calculated for all materials and are included in the 252-group libraries. This allows the Bondarenko self-shielding method in SCALE to use the IR approximation for the 252-group libraries, while the SCALE 6.2 238-group library was limited to the NR approximation.
(e) A number of improvements were made in processing of Bondarenko self-shielding data.
The number of temperatures for the Bondarenko factors was increased. Shielding factors are tabulated at temperatures 292 K, 600 K, 900 K, 1200 K, and 2400 K for the 252-group libraries.
In addition to the Bondarenko factors normally included for capture, fission, elastic, and total cross sections, self-shielding factors are also included for the multigroup elastic within-group cross section to address the impact of resonance reactions on the scattering distribution.
In the unresolved resonance range, self-shielding factors were calculated using probability tables.
Bondarenko factors for nuclides with atomic masses Z>39 were calculated with CENTRM PW flux spectra rather than the analytical NR approximation. Two types of CENTRM models were used. Heterogeneous models of water-moderated lattices spanning the range of expected self-shielding were used to calculate shielding factors for 235U, 238U, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Pu, 90Zr, and 96Zr. The CENTRM transport calculations were performed using the method of characteristics method for 2D unit cell models. Homogeneous models were used to compute shielding factors for the remaining nuclides with Z>39. These CENTRM calculations were performed for homogeneous media containing the absorber material mixed with hydrogen, and the hydrogen concentration was varied to obtain the desired set of background cross sections. Table 10.1.8 summarizes the processing options for the 252-group library.
Nuclide |
Base Weight Function |
Bondarenko Factor |
U-238, -235; Pu-239, -240, -241 |
PWR spectrum |
CENTRM heterogeneous calculations |
Other actinides Z>90 |
PWR spectrum |
CENTRM homogeneous calculations |
39<Z<90 |
standard |
CENTRM homogeneous calculations |
Z<40 |
standard |
NR analytical spectrum |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
1 |
2.000E+07 |
85 |
1.877E+02 |
169 |
2.470E+00 |
2 |
1.733E+07 |
86 |
1.800E+02 |
170 |
2.380E+00 |
3 |
1.568E+07 |
87 |
1.700E+02 |
171 |
2.300E+00 |
4 |
1.455E+07 |
88 |
1.430E+02 |
172 |
2.210E+00 |
5 |
1.384E+07 |
89 |
1.220E+02 |
173 |
2.120E+00 |
6 |
1.284E+07 |
90 |
1.190E+02 |
174 |
2.000E+00 |
7 |
1.000E+07 |
91 |
1.175E+02 |
175 |
1.940E+00 |
8 |
8.187E+06 |
92 |
1.160E+02 |
176 |
1.860E+00 |
9 |
6.434E+06 |
93 |
1.130E+02 |
177 |
1.770E+00 |
10 |
4.800E+06 |
94 |
1.080E+02 |
178 |
1.680E+00 |
11 |
4.304E+06 |
95 |
1.050E+02 |
179 |
1.590E+00 |
12 |
3.000E+06 |
96 |
1.012E+02 |
180 |
1.500E+00 |
13 |
2.479E+06 |
97 |
9.700E+01 |
181 |
1.450E+00 |
14 |
2.354E+06 |
98 |
9.000E+01 |
182 |
1.400E+00 |
15 |
1.850E+06 |
99 |
8.170E+01 |
183 |
1.350E+00 |
16 |
1.500E+06 |
100 |
8.000E+01 |
184 |
1.300E+00 |
17 |
1.400E+06 |
101 |
7.600E+01 |
185 |
1.250E+00 |
18 |
1.356E+06 |
102 |
7.200E+01 |
186 |
1.225E+00 |
19 |
1.317E+06 |
103 |
6.750E+01 |
187 |
1.200E+00 |
20 |
1.250E+06 |
104 |
6.500E+01 |
188 |
1.175E+00 |
21 |
1.200E+06 |
105 |
6.300E+01 |
189 |
1.150E+00 |
22 |
1.100E+06 |
106 |
6.100E+01 |
190 |
1.140E+00 |
23 |
1.010E+06 |
107 |
5.800E+01 |
191 |
1.130E+00 |
24 |
9.200E+05 |
108 |
5.340E+01 |
192 |
1.120E+00 |
25 |
9.000E+05 |
109 |
5.060E+01 |
193 |
1.110E+00 |
26 |
8.750E+05 |
110 |
4.830E+01 |
194 |
1.100E+00 |
27 |
8.611E+05 |
111 |
4.520E+01 |
195 |
1.090E+00 |
28 |
8.200E+05 |
112 |
4.400E+01 |
196 |
1.080E+00 |
29 |
7.500E+05 |
113 |
4.240E+01 |
197 |
1.070E+00 |
30 |
6.790E+05 |
114 |
4.100E+01 |
198 |
1.060E+00 |
31 |
6.700E+05 |
115 |
3.960E+01 |
199 |
1.050E+00 |
32 |
6.000E+05 |
116 |
3.910E+01 |
200 |
1.040E+00 |
33 |
5.730E+05 |
117 |
3.800E+01 |
201 |
1.030E+00 |
34 |
5.500E+05 |
118 |
3.763E+01 |
202 |
1.020E+00 |
35 |
4.920E+05 |
119 |
3.727E+01 |
203 |
1.010E+00 |
36 |
4.700E+05 |
120 |
3.713E+01 |
204 |
1.000E+00 |
37 |
4.400E+05 |
121 |
3.700E+01 |
205 |
9.750E-01 |
38 |
4.200E+05 |
122 |
3.600E+01 |
206 |
9.500E-01 |
39 |
4.000E+05 |
123 |
3.550E+01 |
207 |
9.250E-01 |
40 |
3.300E+05 |
124 |
3.500E+01 |
208 |
9.000E-01 |
41 |
2.700E+05 |
125 |
3.375E+01 |
209 |
8.500E-01 |
42 |
2.000E+05 |
126 |
3.325E+01 |
210 |
8.000E-01 |
43 |
1.490E+05 |
127 |
3.175E+01 |
211 |
7.500E-01 |
44 |
1.283E+05 |
128 |
3.125E+01 |
212 |
7.000E-01 |
45 |
1.000E+05 |
129 |
3.000E+01 |
213 |
6.500E-01 |
46 |
8.500E+04 |
130 |
2.750E+01 |
214 |
6.250E-01 |
47 |
8.200E+04 |
131 |
2.500E+01 |
215 |
6.000E-01 |
48 |
7.500E+04 |
132 |
2.250E+01 |
216 |
5.500E-01 |
49 |
7.300E+04 |
133 |
2.175E+01 |
217 |
5.000E-01 |
50 |
6.000E+04 |
134 |
2.120E+01 |
218 |
4.500E-01 |
51 |
5.200E+04 |
135 |
2.050E+01 |
219 |
4.000E-01 |
52 |
5.000E+04 |
136 |
2.000E+01 |
220 |
3.750E-01 |
53 |
4.500E+04 |
137 |
1.940E+01 |
221 |
3.500E-01 |
54 |
3.000E+04 |
138 |
1.850E+01 |
222 |
3.250E-01 |
55 |
2.000E+04 |
139 |
1.700E+01 |
223 |
3.000E-01 |
56 |
1.700E+04 |
140 |
1.600E+01 |
224 |
2.750E-01 |
57 |
1.300E+04 |
141 |
1.440E+01 |
225 |
2.500E-01 |
58 |
9.500E+03 |
142 |
1.290E+01 |
226 |
2.250E-01 |
59 |
8.030E+03 |
143 |
1.190E+01 |
227 |
2.000E-01 |
60 |
5.700E+03 |
144 |
1.150E+01 |
228 |
1.750E-01 |
61 |
3.900E+03 |
145 |
1.000E+01 |
229 |
1.500E-01 |
62 |
3.740E+03 |
146 |
9.100E+00 |
230 |
1.250E-01 |
63 |
3.000E+03 |
147 |
8.100E+00 |
231 |
1.000E-01 |
64 |
2.500E+03 |
148 |
7.150E+00 |
232 |
9.000E-02 |
65 |
2.250E+03 |
149 |
7.000E+00 |
233 |
8.000E-02 |
66 |
2.200E+03 |
150 |
6.875E+00 |
234 |
7.000E-02 |
67 |
1.800E+03 |
151 |
6.750E+00 |
235 |
6.000E-02 |
68 |
1.550E+03 |
152 |
6.500E+00 |
236 |
5.000E-02 |
69 |
1.500E+03 |
153 |
6.250E+00 |
237 |
4.000E-02 |
70 |
1.150E+03 |
154 |
6.000E+00 |
238 |
3.000E-02 |
71 |
9.500E+02 |
155 |
5.400E+00 |
239 |
2.530E-02 |
72 |
6.830E+02 |
156 |
5.000E+00 |
240 |
1.000E-02 |
73 |
6.700E+02 |
157 |
4.700E+00 |
241 |
7.500E-03 |
74 |
5.500E+02 |
158 |
4.100E+00 |
242 |
5.000E-03 |
75 |
3.050E+02 |
159 |
3.730E+00 |
243 |
4.000E-03 |
76 |
2.850E+02 |
160 |
3.500E+00 |
244 |
3.000E-03 |
77 |
2.400E+02 |
161 |
3.200E+00 |
245 |
2.500E-03 |
78 |
2.200E+02 |
162 |
3.100E+00 |
246 |
2.000E-03 |
79 |
2.095E+02 |
163 |
3.000E+00 |
247 |
1.500E-03 |
80 |
2.074E+02 |
164 |
2.970E+00 |
248 |
1.200E-03 |
81 |
2.020E+02 |
165 |
2.870E+00 |
249 |
1.000E-03 |
82 |
1.930E+02 |
166 |
2.770E+00 |
250 |
7.500E-04 |
83 |
1.915E+02 |
167 |
2.670E+00 |
251 |
5.000E-04 |
84 |
1.885E+02 |
168 |
2.570E+00 |
252 |
1.000E-04 |
1.000E-05 | The 56-group library
An ENDF/B-VII.1 and an ENDF/B-VIII.0 broad group library with 56 energy groups are available mainly for light water reactor physics calculations. The group structure is shown in Table 10.1.10. This library was processed using the same PW flux spectra used to generate the 252-group libraries (i.e., for a PWR fuel lattice). This library includes the same materials and properties as the 252-group library, and the data were computed in the same manner, except for several specially weighted nuclides which have heterogeneous Bondarenko shielding factors (in addition to those given in Table 10.1.5) computed for specific LWR components. These are summarized in Table 10.1.11.
Grp |
Energy(eV) |
Grp |
Energy(eV) |
Grp |
Energy(eV) |
1 |
2.0000E+07 |
24 |
1.0500E+02 |
47 |
2.0000E-01 |
2 |
6.4340E+06 |
25 |
1.0120E+02 |
48 |
1.5000E-01 |
3 |
4.3040E+06 |
26 |
6.7500E+01 |
49 |
1.0000E-01 |
4 |
3.0000E+06 |
27 |
6.5000E+01 |
50 |
8.0000E-02 |
5 |
1.8500E+06 |
28 |
3.7130E+01 |
51 |
6.0000E-02 |
6 |
1.5000E+06 |
29 |
3.6000E+01 |
52 |
5.0000E-02 |
7 |
1.2000E+06 |
30 |
2.1750E+01 |
53 |
4.0000E-02 |
8 |
8.6110E+05 |
31 |
2.1200E+01 |
54 |
2.5300E-02 |
9 |
7.5000E+05 |
32 |
2.0500E+01 |
55 |
1.0000E-02 |
10 |
6.0000E+05 |
33 |
7.0000E+00 |
56 |
4.0000E-03 |
11 |
4.7000E+05 |
34 |
6.8750E+00 |
1.0000E-05 |
12 |
3.3000E+05 |
35 |
6.5000E+00 |
13 |
2.7000E+05 |
36 |
6.2500E+00 |
14 |
2.0000E+05 |
37 |
5.0000E+00 |
15 |
5.0000E+04 |
38 |
1.1300E+00 |
16 |
2.0000E+04 |
39 |
1.0800E+00 |
17 |
1.7000E+04 |
40 |
1.0100E+00 |
18 |
3.7400E+03 |
41 |
6.2500E-01 |
19 |
2.2500E+03 |
42 |
4.5000E-01 |
20 |
1.9150E+02 |
43 |
3.7500E-01 |
21 |
1.8770E+02 |
44 |
3.5000E-01 |
22 |
1.1750E+02 |
45 |
3.2500E-01 |
23 |
1.1600E+02 |
46 |
2.5000E-01 |
Nuclide |
ID |
Component configuration used to compute Bondarenko factors |
Zr-91 |
10040091 |
standard library weighting |
Zr-96 |
10040096 |
standard library weighting |
Zr-91 |
40091 |
LWR lattice cladding, with U238 resonance interference |
Zr-96 |
40096 |
LWR lattice cladding, with U238 resonance interference |
Ag-107 |
47107 |
PWR Ag-In-Cd control rod |
Ag-109 |
47109 |
PWR Ag-In-Cd control rod |
In-113 |
49113 |
PWR Ag-In-Cd control rod |
In-115 |
49115 |
PWR Ag-In-Cd control rod |
Cd-113 |
48113 |
PWR Ag-In-Cd control rod | The 302-group library
Libraries with 302 energy groups based on ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 data, respectively, are available for the analysis of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) systems. The base weighting function for processing the MG data of all materials is the neutron flux of a volume-homogenized SFR fuel assembly computed by the PW transport code CENTRM (Fig. 10.1.1). The fuel assembly model was generated corresponding to the specifications of the large oxide core (MOX3600) defined within the OECD/NEA Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Modelling (UAM) for Design, Operation and Safety Analysis of SFRs [XSLibB+2}]. The 302-group structure was developed based on group structures optimized for fast spectrum systems used in the DOE-NE Advanced Reactor Technologies (ART) program and, in particular, the MC2-3 code [XSLibLS12]. In particular, boundaries of the 425-group structure were added to the 230-group structure so as to include a finer resolution of resonances in the fast energy range. The group structure below 10-4 eV has been slightly modified from the original ANL structures to match group boundaries of the 1597-group library. Table 10.1.12 shows the group structure of the 302-group library. In contrast with the 252-group library, group-dependent IR parameters (“lambdas”) are not included, and Bondarenko factors were exclusively computed using the narrow resonance (NR) approximation for the flux spectrum for all nuclides. The 302-group library has been developed and tested with a focus on the models defined within the OECD/NEA UAM-SFR benchmark [XSLibBRZP20]. For the application of this library to other SFR or fast spectrum systems, verification with corresponding CE and 1597-group calculations is recommended.

Fig. 10.1.1 Neutron flux of a volume-homogenized SFR fuel assembly compared to an LWR pin cell spectrum. The SFR spectrum serves as a weighting spectrum for the 302-group SFR library.
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
1 |
2.00000E+07 |
77 |
1.57237E+06 |
153 |
1.53752E+05 |
229 |
2.29964E+04 |
2 |
1.38400E+07 |
78 |
1.53355E+06 |
154 |
1.49956E+05 |
230 |
2.24287E+04 |
3 |
1.34986E+07 |
79 |
1.49569E+06 |
155 |
1.46253E+05 |
231 |
2.18749E+04 |
4 |
1.31653E+07 |
80 |
1.42274E+06 |
156 |
1.42642E+05 |
232 |
2.13348E+04 |
5 |
1.28400E+07 |
81 |
1.35335E+06 |
157 |
1.39120E+05 |
233 |
2.08080E+04 |
6 |
1.25232E+07 |
82 |
1.28735E+06 |
158 |
1.35686E+05 |
234 |
2.02943E+04 |
7 |
1.22140E+07 |
83 |
1.22456E+06 |
159 |
1.32335E+05 |
235 |
1.93443E+04 |
8 |
1.19125E+07 |
84 |
1.19433E+06 |
160 |
1.29068E+05 |
236 |
1.70000E+04 |
9 |
1.16183E+07 |
85 |
1.16484E+06 |
161 |
1.25881E+05 |
237 |
1.50654E+04 |
10 |
1.13315E+07 |
86 |
1.10803E+06 |
162 |
1.22773E+05 |
238 |
1.32951E+04 |
11 |
1.10517E+07 |
87 |
1.05399E+06 |
163 |
1.19742E+05 |
239 |
1.17329E+04 |
12 |
1.07788E+07 |
88 |
1.00259E+06 |
164 |
1.16786E+05 |
240 |
1.03543E+04 |
13 |
1.05127E+07 |
89 |
9.77835E+05 |
165 |
1.13902E+05 |
241 |
9.13761E+03 |
14 |
1.02532E+07 |
90 |
9.61672E+05 |
166 |
1.11090E+05 |
242 |
8.03000E+03 |
15 |
1.00000E+07 |
91 |
9.53692E+05 |
167 |
1.08347E+05 |
243 |
7.11638E+03 |
16 |
9.75310E+06 |
92 |
9.07180E+05 |
168 |
1.05672E+05 |
244 |
6.28018E+03 |
17 |
9.51230E+06 |
93 |
8.62936E+05 |
169 |
1.03063E+05 |
245 |
5.54224E+03 |
18 |
9.27744E+06 |
94 |
8.20850E+05 |
170 |
1.00518E+05 |
246 |
5.01483E+03 |
19 |
9.04838E+06 |
95 |
7.80817E+05 |
171 |
9.80365E+04 |
247 |
4.53760E+03 |
20 |
8.82497E+06 |
96 |
7.42736E+05 |
172 |
9.56160E+04 |
248 |
4.31630E+03 |
21 |
8.60708E+06 |
97 |
7.06512E+05 |
173 |
9.32552E+04 |
249 |
4.07172E+03 |
22 |
8.39457E+06 |
98 |
6.72055E+05 |
174 |
9.09527E+04 |
250 |
3.71508E+03 |
23 |
8.18700E+06 |
99 |
6.39279E+05 |
175 |
8.87071E+04 |
251 |
3.36154E+03 |
24 |
7.98516E+06 |
100 |
6.08101E+05 |
176 |
8.65169E+04 |
252 |
3.01640E+03 |
25 |
7.78801E+06 |
101 |
5.78443E+05 |
177 |
8.43808E+04 |
253 |
2.86929E+03 |
26 |
7.59572E+06 |
102 |
5.50000E+05 |
178 |
8.22974E+04 |
254 |
2.75220E+03 |
27 |
7.40818E+06 |
103 |
5.36647E+05 |
179 |
8.02655E+04 |
255 |
2.61797E+03 |
28 |
7.22527E+06 |
104 |
5.23397E+05 |
180 |
7.82837E+04 |
256 |
2.46962E+03 |
29 |
7.04688E+06 |
105 |
5.10474E+05 |
181 |
7.63509E+04 |
257 |
2.25000E+03 |
30 |
6.87289E+06 |
106 |
4.97871E+05 |
182 |
7.44658E+04 |
258 |
2.03888E+03 |
31 |
6.70320E+06 |
107 |
4.85578E+05 |
183 |
7.26272E+04 |
259 |
1.82780E+03 |
32 |
6.64757E+06 |
108 |
4.73589E+05 |
184 |
7.08340E+04 |
260 |
1.66220E+03 |
33 |
6.59241E+06 |
109 |
4.61896E+05 |
185 |
6.90851E+04 |
261 |
1.58460E+03 |
34 |
6.53770E+06 |
110 |
4.50492E+05 |
186 |
6.73794E+04 |
262 |
1.50000E+03 |
35 |
6.37628E+06 |
111 |
4.39369E+05 |
187 |
6.57158E+04 |
263 |
1.36060E+03 |
36 |
6.21885E+06 |
112 |
4.28521E+05 |
188 |
6.40933E+04 |
264 |
1.23410E+03 |
37 |
6.06531E+06 |
113 |
4.17941E+05 |
189 |
6.25108E+04 |
265 |
1.17050E+03 |
38 |
5.91555E+06 |
114 |
4.07622E+05 |
190 |
6.09674E+04 |
266 |
1.11200E+03 |
39 |
5.76950E+06 |
115 |
3.97558E+05 |
191 |
5.94621E+04 |
267 |
1.06320E+03 |
40 |
5.48812E+06 |
116 |
3.87742E+05 |
192 |
5.79940E+04 |
268 |
1.01650E+03 |
41 |
5.22046E+06 |
117 |
3.78169E+05 |
193 |
5.65621E+04 |
269 |
9.61120E+02 |
42 |
4.96585E+06 |
118 |
3.68832E+05 |
194 |
5.51656E+04 |
270 |
7.48520E+02 |
43 |
4.84325E+06 |
119 |
3.59725E+05 |
195 |
5.38035E+04 |
271 |
5.82950E+02 |
44 |
4.72367E+06 |
120 |
3.50844E+05 |
196 |
5.24751E+04 |
272 |
4.54000E+02 |
45 |
4.60704E+06 |
121 |
3.42181E+05 |
197 |
5.11795E+04 |
273 |
3.53570E+02 |
46 |
4.49329E+06 |
122 |
3.33733E+05 |
198 |
4.99159E+04 |
274 |
2.75360E+02 |
47 |
4.27415E+06 |
123 |
3.25493E+05 |
199 |
4.86834E+04 |
275 |
2.14450E+02 |
48 |
4.06570E+06 |
124 |
3.17456E+05 |
200 |
4.74815E+04 |
276 |
1.67020E+02 |
49 |
3.86741E+06 |
125 |
3.09618E+05 |
201 |
4.63091E+04 |
277 |
1.30070E+02 |
50 |
3.67880E+06 |
126 |
3.01974E+05 |
202 |
4.51658E+04 |
278 |
1.00000E+02 |
51 |
3.49938E+06 |
127 |
2.94518E+05 |
203 |
4.40506E+04 |
279 |
7.88930E+01 |
52 |
3.32871E+06 |
128 |
2.87246E+05 |
204 |
4.29630E+04 |
280 |
6.14420E+01 |
53 |
3.24653E+06 |
129 |
2.80154E+05 |
205 |
4.19022E+04 |
281 |
4.78510E+01 |
54 |
3.16637E+06 |
130 |
2.73237E+05 |
206 |
4.08677E+04 |
282 |
3.72700E+01 |
55 |
3.08819E+06 |
131 |
2.66491E+05 |
207 |
3.98586E+04 |
283 |
2.90230E+01 |
56 |
3.01194E+06 |
132 |
2.59911E+05 |
208 |
3.88745E+04 |
284 |
2.25000E+01 |
57 |
2.86505E+06 |
133 |
2.53494E+05 |
209 |
3.79147E+04 |
285 |
1.76040E+01 |
58 |
2.72532E+06 |
134 |
2.47235E+05 |
210 |
3.69786E+04 |
286 |
1.37500E+01 |
59 |
2.59240E+06 |
135 |
2.41131E+05 |
211 |
3.60656E+04 |
287 |
1.06770E+01 |
60 |
2.46597E+06 |
136 |
2.35177E+05 |
212 |
3.51751E+04 |
288 |
8.31530E+00 |
61 |
2.42521E+06 |
137 |
2.29371E+05 |
213 |
3.43067E+04 |
289 |
6.50000E+00 |
62 |
2.38513E+06 |
138 |
2.23708E+05 |
214 |
3.34596E+04 |
290 |
5.04350E+00 |
63 |
2.36533E+06 |
139 |
2.18184E+05 |
215 |
3.26335E+04 |
291 |
3.92790E+00 |
64 |
2.34570E+06 |
140 |
2.12797E+05 |
216 |
3.18278E+04 |
292 |
3.05000E+00 |
65 |
2.30693E+06 |
141 |
2.07543E+05 |
217 |
3.10419E+04 |
293 |
2.38000E+00 |
66 |
2.26880E+06 |
142 |
2.02419E+05 |
218 |
3.02755E+04 |
294 |
1.86000E+00 |
67 |
2.23130E+06 |
143 |
1.97421E+05 |
219 |
2.95280E+04 |
295 |
1.45000E+00 |
68 |
2.12248E+06 |
144 |
1.92547E+05 |
220 |
2.87990E+04 |
296 |
1.13000E+00 |
69 |
2.01897E+06 |
145 |
1.87793E+05 |
221 |
2.80879E+04 |
297 |
8.76430E-01 |
70 |
1.96912E+06 |
146 |
1.83156E+05 |
222 |
2.73944E+04 |
298 |
8.50000E-01 |
71 |
1.92050E+06 |
147 |
1.78634E+05 |
223 |
2.67181E+04 |
299 |
6.82560E-01 |
72 |
1.87308E+06 |
148 |
1.74224E+05 |
224 |
2.60584E+04 |
300 |
6.25000E-01 |
73 |
1.82684E+06 |
149 |
1.69922E+05 |
225 |
2.54150E+04 |
301 |
5.31580E-01 |
74 |
1.73774E+06 |
150 |
1.65727E+05 |
226 |
2.47875E+04 |
302 |
4.13990E-01 |
75 |
1.65299E+06 |
151 |
1.61635E+05 |
227 |
2.41755E+04 |
1.00000E-05 |
76 |
1.61218E+06 |
152 |
1.57644E+05 |
228 |
2.35786E+04 | The test-8grp library for code testing
The library named test-8grp is used for code testing and verification of reproducibility only. It was collapsed from the fine-group v7-252 library, using the standard weight functions in Table 10.1.7. This library has all the nuclides and same types of nuclear data as in the v7-252 library; but the eight energy-group structure provides capability to test codes and input in shorter times than with the standard production libraries. Table 10.1.13 gives the eight group structure, which has four thermal groups below 3 eV, and four fast groups.
The library can also be used with the CENTRM/PMC resonance shielding methodology.
Group |
Upper energy (eV) |
1 |
2.000E+07 |
2 |
8.200E+05 |
3 |
2.000E+04 |
4 |
1.050E+02 |
5 |
5.000E+00 |
6 |
6.250E-01 |
7 |
1.500E-01 |
8 |
4.000E-01 |
1.000E-05 | The 200N-47G library for shielding
A coupled fine-group neutron-gamma library based on ENDF/B libraries is available for radiation transport calculations with SCALE shielding modules. The 200 neutron and 47 gamma energy group structures are provided in Table 10.1.14 and Table 10.1.15, respectively. The neutron group structure is identical to the 199-group VITAMIN-B6 [XSLibWDP+09] structure except that an additional group has been added to extend the top energy boundary to 20 MeV. The MG neutron data were generated using the standard weighting function described in Table 10.1.7, and the MG photon data were weighted with a flat spectrum with roll-offs. Full-range Bondarenko factors are provided for all nuclides, and the default self-shielding method for this library is to use BONAMI for all energy groups, enabling faster neutron resonance self-shielding calculations. The Bondarenko shielding factors for all nuclides are computed with the NR approximation. If the Bondarenko approach is not appropriate, self-shielding calculations can be done with the CENTRM module. The 200n-47g libraries have dose factor and response function data shown in Table 10.1.16 which are consistent with previous SCALE shielding libraries.
The fine-group coupled libraries were validated by performing radiation transport calculations with the SCALE shielding sequence MAVRIC for several shielding benchmark calculations [XSLibWDP+09]. The calculated results for transmission/attenuation values and spectral results matched experimental measurements well. Overall, the results obtained with using the 200n-47g coupled library demonstrate the effectiveness of the SCALE methods and data for shielding applications.
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
1 |
2.0000E+07 |
42 |
2.7253E+06 |
83 |
3.3373E+05 |
124 |
2.3579E+04 |
165 |
5.0435E+00 |
2 |
1.9640E+07 |
43 |
2.5924E+06 |
84 |
3.0197E+05 |
125 |
2.1875E+04 |
166 |
3.9279E+00 |
3 |
1.7332E+07 |
44 |
2.4660E+06 |
85 |
2.9849E+05 |
126 |
1.9305E+04 |
167 |
3.0590E+00 |
4 |
1.6905E+07 |
45 |
2.3852E+06 |
86 |
2.9721E+05 |
127 |
1.5034E+04 |
168 |
2.3824E+00 |
5 |
1.6487E+07 |
46 |
2.3653E+06 |
87 |
2.9452E+05 |
128 |
1.1709E+04 |
169 |
1.8554E+00 |
6 |
1.5683E+07 |
47 |
2.3457E+06 |
88 |
2.8725E+05 |
129 |
1.0595E+04 |
170 |
1.4450E+00 |
7 |
1.4918E+07 |
48 |
2.3069E+06 |
89 |
2.7324E+05 |
130 |
9.1188E+03 |
171 |
1.3000E+00 |
8 |
1.4550E+07 |
49 |
2.2313E+06 |
90 |
2.4724E+05 |
131 |
7.1017E+03 |
172 |
1.1253E+00 |
9 |
1.4191E+07 |
50 |
2.1225E+06 |
91 |
2.3518E+05 |
132 |
5.5308E+03 |
173 |
1.0800E+00 |
10 |
1.3840E+07 |
51 |
2.0190E+06 |
92 |
2.2371E+05 |
133 |
4.3074E+03 |
174 |
1.0400E+00 |
11 |
1.3499E+07 |
52 |
1.9205E+06 |
93 |
2.1280E+05 |
134 |
3.7074E+03 |
175 |
1.0000E+00 |
12 |
1.2840E+07 |
53 |
1.8268E+06 |
94 |
2.0242E+05 |
135 |
3.3546E+03 |
176 |
8.7643E-01 |
13 |
1.2523E+07 |
54 |
1.7377E+06 |
95 |
1.9255E+05 |
136 |
3.0354E+03 |
177 |
8.0000E-01 |
14 |
1.2214E+07 |
55 |
1.6530E+06 |
96 |
1.8316E+05 |
137 |
2.7465E+03 |
178 |
6.8256E-01 |
15 |
1.1618E+07 |
56 |
1.5724E+06 |
97 |
1.7422E+05 |
138 |
2.6126E+03 |
179 |
6.2506E-01 |
16 |
1.1052E+07 |
57 |
1.4957E+06 |
98 |
1.6573E+05 |
139 |
2.4852E+03 |
180 |
5.3158E-01 |
17 |
1.0513E+07 |
58 |
1.4227E+06 |
99 |
1.5764E+05 |
140 |
2.2487E+03 |
181 |
5.0000E-01 |
18 |
1.0000E+07 |
59 |
1.3534E+06 |
100 |
1.4996E+05 |
141 |
2.0347E+03 |
182 |
4.1399E-01 |
19 |
9.5123E+06 |
60 |
1.2874E+06 |
101 |
1.4264E+05 |
142 |
1.5846E+03 |
183 |
3.6680E-01 |
20 |
9.0484E+06 |
61 |
1.2246E+06 |
102 |
1.3569E+05 |
143 |
1.2341E+03 |
184 |
3.2500E-01 |
21 |
8.6071E+06 |
62 |
1.1648E+06 |
103 |
1.2907E+05 |
144 |
9.6112E+02 |
185 |
2.7500E-01 |
22 |
8.1873E+06 |
63 |
1.1080E+06 |
104 |
1.2277E+05 |
145 |
7.4852E+02 |
186 |
2.2500E-01 |
23 |
7.7880E+06 |
64 |
1.0026E+06 |
105 |
1.1679E+05 |
146 |
5.8295E+02 |
187 |
1.8400E-01 |
24 |
7.4082E+06 |
65 |
9.6164E+05 |
106 |
1.1109E+05 |
147 |
4.5400E+02 |
188 |
1.5000E-01 |
25 |
7.0469E+06 |
66 |
9.0718E+05 |
107 |
9.8037E+04 |
148 |
3.5357E+02 |
189 |
1.2500E-01 |
26 |
6.7032E+06 |
67 |
8.6294E+05 |
108 |
8.6517E+04 |
149 |
2.7536E+02 |
190 |
1.0000E-01 |
27 |
6.5924E+06 |
68 |
8.2085E+05 |
109 |
8.2503E+04 |
150 |
2.1445E+02 |
191 |
7.0000E-02 |
28 |
6.3763E+06 |
69 |
7.8082E+05 |
110 |
7.9499E+04 |
151 |
1.6702E+02 |
192 |
5.0000E-02 |
29 |
6.0653E+06 |
70 |
7.4274E+05 |
111 |
7.1998E+04 |
152 |
1.3007E+02 |
193 |
4.0000E-02 |
30 |
5.7695E+06 |
71 |
7.0651E+05 |
112 |
6.7379E+04 |
153 |
1.0130E+02 |
194 |
3.0000E-02 |
31 |
5.4881E+06 |
72 |
6.7206E+05 |
113 |
5.6562E+04 |
154 |
7.8893E+01 |
195 |
2.1000E-02 |
32 |
5.2205E+06 |
73 |
6.3928E+05 |
114 |
5.2475E+04 |
155 |
6.1442E+01 |
196 |
1.4500E-02 |
33 |
4.9659E+06 |
74 |
6.0810E+05 |
115 |
4.6309E+04 |
156 |
4.7851E+01 |
197 |
1.0000E-02 |
34 |
4.7237E+06 |
75 |
5.7844E+05 |
116 |
4.0868E+04 |
157 |
3.7266E+01 |
198 |
5.0000E-03 |
35 |
4.4933E+06 |
76 |
5.5023E+05 |
117 |
3.4307E+04 |
158 |
2.9023E+01 |
199 |
2.0000E-03 |
36 |
4.0657E+06 |
77 |
5.2340E+05 |
118 |
3.1828E+04 |
159 |
2.2603E+01 |
200 |
5.0000E-04 |
37 |
3.6788E+06 |
78 |
4.9787E+05 |
119 |
2.8501E+04 |
160 |
1.7604E+01 |
1.0000E-05 |
38 |
3.3287E+06 |
79 |
4.5049E+05 |
120 |
2.7000E+04 |
161 |
1.3710E+01 |
39 |
3.1664E+06 |
80 |
4.0762E+05 |
121 |
2.6058E+04 |
162 |
1.0677E+01 |
40 |
3.0119E+06 |
81 |
3.8774E+05 |
122 |
2.4788E+04 |
163 |
8.3153E+00 |
41 |
2.8651E+06 |
82 |
3.6883E+05 |
123 |
2.4176E+04 |
164 |
6.4760E+00 |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
1 |
2.0000E+07 |
11 |
5.0000E+06 |
21 |
1.8000E+06 |
31 |
7.0000E+05 |
41 |
1.0000E+05 |
2 |
1.4000E+07 |
12 |
4.5000E+06 |
22 |
1.6600E+06 |
32 |
6.0000E+05 |
42 |
7.5000E+04 |
3 |
1.2000E+07 |
13 |
4.0000E+06 |
23 |
1.5700E+06 |
33 |
5.1200E+05 |
43 |
7.0000E+04 |
4 |
1.0000E+07 |
14 |
3.5000E+06 |
24 |
1.5000E+06 |
34 |
5.1000E+05 |
44 |
6.0000E+04 |
5 |
8.0000E+06 |
15 |
3.0000E+06 |
25 |
1.4400E+06 |
35 |
4.5000E+05 |
45 |
4.5000E+04 |
6 |
7.5000E+06 |
16 |
2.7500E+06 |
26 |
1.3300E+06 |
36 |
4.0000E+05 |
46 |
3.0000E+04 |
7 |
7.0000E+06 |
17 |
2.5000E+06 |
27 |
1.2000E+06 |
37 |
3.0000E+05 |
47 |
2.0000E+04 |
8 |
6.5000E+06 |
18 |
2.3500E+06 |
28 |
1.0000E+06 |
38 |
2.6000E+05 |
1.0000E+04 |
9 |
6.0000E+06 |
19 |
2.1500E+06 |
29 |
9.0000E+05 |
39 |
2.0000E+05 |
10 |
5.5000E+06 |
20 |
2.0000E+06 |
30 |
8.0000E+05 |
40 |
1.5000E+05 |
MT |
Description |
999 |
1 |
1/v total cross
section normalized
to 1.0 at 0.0253 eV
1/v absorption
cross section
normalized to 1.0
at 0.0253 eV
capture, same as MT
1 and 27
Radiative capture, same as MT 1 and 27 |
27 |
101 |
102 |
900 |
9032 |
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Report 44 (ICRU-44), Table B.3 (air) Kerma (Gy/h)/(neutron/cm2/s) |
9027 |
Henderson conversion from neutron flux to absorbed dose rate in tissue (rad/h)/(neutrons/cm2/s) |
9033 |
ICRU-44, Table B.3 (air) Kerma (rad/h)/(neutron/cm2/s) |
9034 |
Ambient dose equivalent (ICRU-57, Table A.42) (Sv/h)/(neutron/cm2/s) |
9035 |
Ambient dose equivalent (ICRU-57, Table A.42) (rem/h)/(neutron/cm2/s) |
9036 |
Effective dose (ICRU-57, Table A.41) (Sv/h)/(neutron/cm2/s) |
9037 |
Effective dose (ICRU-57, Table A.41) (rem/h)/(neutron/cm2/s) |
9029 |
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard (1977) neutron flux-to-dose rate factors (rem/h)/(neutron/cm2/s) |
9031 |
ANSI standard (1991) neutron flux-to-dose rate factors (rem/h)/(neutron/cm2/s) |
9502 |
Henderson conversion factors (rad/h)/(photons/cm2/s) |
9503 |
Claiborne-Trubey conversion factors (rad/h)/(photons/cm2/s) |
9504 |
ANSI standard (1977) gamma flux-to-dose rate factors (rem/h)/(photons/cm2/s) |
9505 |
ANSI standard (1991) gamma flux-to-dose rate factors (rem/h)/(photons/cm2/s) |
9506 |
ICRU-57 Table A.21 (air) Kerma (Gy/h)/(photons/cm2/s) |
9507 |
ICRU-57 Table A.21 (air) Kerma (rad/h)/(photons/cm2/s) |
9508 |
Ambient dose equivalent (ICRU-57 Table A.21) (Sv/h)/(photons/cm2/s) |
9509 |
Ambient dose equivalent (ICRU-57 Table A.21) (rem/h)/(photons/cm2/s) |
9510 |
Effective dose (ICRU-57 Table A.17) (Sv/h)/(photons/cm2/s) |
9511 |
Effective dose (ICRU-57 Table A.17) (rem/h)/(photons/cm2/s) | The 28N-19G shielding libraries
In addition to the fine-group shielding library, SCALE has a broad-group ENDF/B-VII.1 and -VIII.0 library. The library has 28 neutron and 19 gamma groups. The change in the neutron group structure (as compared with the SCALE 6.2 27 group structure) was necessary to allow for thermal up-scatter up to 5 eV; the gamma groups are identical in both libraries. The broad-group library was primarily developed to perform adjoint discrete ordinates calculations needed to prepare importance maps and biased source distributions for biasing forward Monte Carlo shielding calculations with the fine-group libraries in the MAVRIC shielding analysis sequence. The constituents of the 28n-19g library and the processing methods are the same as the 200n-47g library. The 28 neutron and 19 gamma group structures are provided in Table 10.1.17 and Table 10.1.18, respectively. The broad-group library has the same dose factor information described in Table 10.1.16 for the fine group library.
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
1 |
2.0000E+07 |
7 |
4.0762E+05 |
13 |
2.9023E+01 |
19 |
1.1253E+00 |
25 |
1.0000E-01 |
2 |
6.3763E+06 |
8 |
1.1109E+05 |
14 |
1.0677E+01 |
20 |
1.0000E+00 |
26 |
5.0000E-02 |
3 |
3.0119E+06 |
9 |
1.5034E+04 |
15 |
5.0000E+00 |
21 |
8.0000E-01 |
27 |
3.0000E-02 |
4 |
1.8268E+06 |
10 |
3.0354E+03 |
16 |
3.0590E+00 |
22 |
4.1399E-01 |
28 |
1.0000E-02 |
5 |
1.4227E+06 |
11 |
5.8295E+02 |
17 |
1.8554E+00 |
23 |
3.2500E-01 |
1.0000E-05 |
6 |
9.0718E+05 |
12 |
1.0130E+02 |
18 |
1.3000E+00 |
24 |
2.2500E-01 |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
Group |
Upper Energy (eV) |
1 |
2.0000E+07 |
5 |
5.0000E+06 |
9 |
2.0000E+06 |
13 |
8.0000E+05 |
17 |
2.0000E+05 |
2 |
1.0000E+07 |
6 |
4.0000E+06 |
10 |
1.6600E+06 |
14 |
6.0000E+05 |
18 |
1.0000E+05 |
3 |
8.0000E+06 |
7 |
3.0000E+06 |
11 |
1.3300E+06 |
15 |
4.0000E+05 |
19 |
4.5000E+04 |
4 |
6.5000E+06 |
8 |
2.5000E+06 |
12 |
1.0000E+06 |
16 |
3.0000E+05 |
1.0000E+04 | The continuous-energy libraries
The ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 CE libraries are general-purpose libraries used for both criticality calculations and shielding calculations, although the former do not use the photon data in the libraries. These libraries have CE data for the same nuclides as the MG libraries. CE data for each nuclide are stored in individual files contained in the SCALE data directory. The CE libraries were generated using AMPX to an energy-mesh tolerance of 0.1%; i.e., the data value at any intermediate energy point can be interpolated linearly within an error of 0.1%. Cross section data and kinematic data are provided for all reactions given in the ENDF evaluations and are identical to the reactions available on the MG libraries. Kinematic data are given for a range of incident energies as marginal probability distributions over the exit angles and conditional probability distributions over the exit energies in the laboratory system. Usually, 32 equiprobable exit angle bins are used for the conditional probability distribution, except if the distribution is isotropic or can be described with fewer exit angles. For elastic and discrete inelastic reaction, a larger number of exit angles are used as needed to accurately describe the kinematic in the laboratory system. Gamma production kinematic data are provided if available for nuclides that provide gamma production kinematic data. If gamma production data are present, sections for each discrete photon and the continuum are given along with the yield for each of the section. The incident neutron CE libraries are generated at temperature 293 K, 565 K, 600 K, 900 K, 1200 K, 2000 K, and 2400 K. The kinematic data are not temperature dependent except for thermal moderators, which are included at the temperatures provided by the evaluator (see Table 10.1.4 for a list of thermal moderator nuclides and the list of available temperatures). Probability tables for the unresolved resonance range are provided, if the evaluations included unresolved resonance data [XSLibDL04]. Probability tables are available at 293 K, 565 K, 600 K, 900 K, 1200 K, and 2400 K. For neutron transport calculations, the CE cross sections and thermal kernels are automatically interpolated to the specified temperature using the methods described in [XSLibWDP+09].
For use in CE_MONACO, CE libraries for incident gammas are also available, based on ENDF/B-VII.1 ENDF/B-VIII.0 data, respectively. Only temperature independent cross section and kinematic data are available in the incident gamma libraries. Gleaning Data from the Multigroup Libraries
As mentioned in Section 11.1, “AMPX LIBRARY UTILITY MODULES,” the AMPX module rade can be used to print useful information, such as the available neutron targets, neutron energy group structure, and gamma energy group structure (when present). Please see the AMPX manual [XSLibWWCD15a] for more detailed instructions explaining the input for the relevant AMPX modules.
- XSLibAQCL+21
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- XSLibDAB18
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- XSLibDL04
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- XSLibLS12
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- XSLibWWCD15a
D. Wiarda, M. L. Williams, C. Celik, and M. E. Dunn. AMPX-2000: A cross-section processing system for generating nuclear data for criticality safety applications. In Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2015), Charlotte, North Carolina. 2015.
- XSLibWDP+09(1,2,3)
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- XSLibWWCD15b
Dorothea Wiarda, Mark L. Williams, Cihangir Celik, and Michael E. Dunn. AMPX: A Modern Cross Section Processing System for Generating Nuclear Data Libraries. Technical Report, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Charlotte, NC (USA), 9 2015.